Representative Litigation Cases

Civil Litigation


Deficiency Judgment: Represented Lender in lawsuit against real estate developer/borrower – obtained

judgment of $3,900,000 for deficiency after foreclosure.

Professional Negligence Settlement: Represented family business in lawsuit against CPA for malpractice

and breach of contract – obtained a six figure settlement.

School Negligence Settlement: Represented child who was injured at school in lawsuit against the school

and school district – obtained a six figure settlement.

Judgment for Defendant: Represented borrower who was sued by business partner and lender –

successfully defended the client against all allegations and obtained judgment against plaintiff for

damages and for client’s attorney fees.

Quiet Title Settlement: Represented purchaser of real property at a foreclosure sale in lawsuit against

the trustee and lender who cancelled the sale – obtained favorable settlement in which purchaser was

paid damages and their attorney fees.

Breach of Contract Judgment: Represented granite countertop contractor in lawsuit against client for

non-payment – obtained judgement for entire amount owed, plus interest and attorney fees.

Breach of Contract Judgment: Represented law firm in lawsuit against former client for failure to pay –

obtained judgment for entire amount owed, plus interest and attorney fees.

Personal Injury Settlement: Represented bar patron in lawsuit against bar for injuries client received

when attacked by other patrons at the bar – obtained favorable settlement compensating client for all

injuries and medical bills.

Personal Injury Settlement: Represented restaurant Patron in lawsuit against restaurant and landlord for

injuries received by client when falling into a hole in the parking lot – obtained favorable settlement

compensating client for all injuries and medical bills.

Personal Injury Settlement: Represented driver in lawsuit against negligent driver for injuries sustained

in car accident on freeway – obtained favorable settlement compensating client for all injuries and

medical bills.

Defense Settlements: Represented personal representative/surviving spouse of deceased medical

professional against lawsuits by multiple creditors who were attempting to reach assets of a trust that

had been set up for spouse and children – obtained favorable settlements from all of estate’s creditors

preserving 100% of the money in trust for spouse and children.

Defense Settlement: Represented estate of deceased pilot against claims by passengers who were

injured in small airplane crash – obtained settlement from all passengers in which no money from estate

or pilot’s trust were used to pay injured passengers.

Defense Settlement: Represented business owners of large multi-million-dollar company against

lawsuits by lender for over $12,000,000 in loans that the owners had personally guaranteed – obtained

favorable settlement for owners in which lender agreed to forbear from collecting against the owners as

part of a bankruptcy debt reorganization by the company.