Marital Agreements | Huber Barney

Even though one in ten couples now enter into some kind of prenuptial or premarital agreement (“prenups”) many couples are reluctant to sign a prenup because it seems unromantic and indicates a lack of trust.

There are several reasons why you should consider a premarital or even a post marital agreement.

  • If you do not sign a prenup, your marriage will be governed by     a complex set of laws established by the state where you reside.
  • If you sign a prenup, your marriage will be governed by rules discussed     and negotiated by you and your fiancé/spouse.
  • far from undermining trust, the process of drafting and     negotiating a prenuptial agreement may, in fact, strengthen your     relationship. The process requires a full disclosure of your financial     situation and involves an open and honest discussion about how you will     handle your money and plan your future.
  • most prenups are drafted to protect both spouses not just a     wealthy spouse.

by entering into a prenup or post marital agreement, both spouses are able to protect themselves and their assets from the creditors of the other spouse.

We invite you to contact us for a consultation. When you do, you will find that we provide effective, professional, comprehensive and competitively priced legal services.

Contact us for a Consultation

We will give you the attention your situation deserves. Give us a call at (480) 305-7007 or complete our Contact Form so we can discuss your situation.